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TDN 導樂師是改變推動者


導樂網絡 (TDN) 是一個導樂擁有和管理的組織,為社區助產士創造途徑,使其成為充分認可的孕產婦保健專業人員,有資格獲得醫療補助和私人保險報銷。

TDN 成立於2019 年,其基本信念是,每個分娩者都應獲得負擔得起的、安全的、協作性的圍產期護理,而導樂師應被視為分娩者護理團隊中不可或缺的一部分。我們的目標是聯合關鍵利害關係人(例如導樂師、健康計畫團隊、社區組織和醫療補助成員)來倡導醫療補助報銷。我們利用科技、管理支援和社區資源來減輕醫療補助計費流程的負擔。 TDN 設想透過為每位分娩者提供導樂服務來改變母嬰健康。


TDN 首創了融入孕產婦保健的導樂服務基礎系統。透過協調導樂師、客戶、健康計劃、社區和技術,TDN 改善孕產婦健康體驗、孕產婦和嬰兒結局,並降低醫療成本。


2019 年秋季,聯合醫療保健社區計畫 (UHC) 和 TDN 開始建立首次合作夥伴關係,以影響佛羅裡達州的孕產婦健康結果。

TDN 和 UHC 共同為健康第一步計劃中的 UHC 成員創建了一個推薦網絡。健康第一步計畫為準家庭提供護理管理,包括整個懷孕過程中的資訊、教育和支援。在健康第一步規劃和 TDN 的每月會議期間,TDN 團隊會分享所有成員的月度報告並討論客戶最新情況。這些會議為 UHC 健康第一步計劃中的孕婦建立了強大的支持網絡。

由於 UHC 對懷孕會員的承諾以及 TDN 創建的創新計劃,UHC 會員能夠在 UHC 服務的所有地區接受導樂服務。

TDN 和聯合醫療保健


當我在 2019 年創立 TDN 時,我設想在佛羅裡達州建立一個強大而穩健的網路。我夢想有一天——在未來的某個時候,將這項工作擴展到其他州。我敏銳地意識到建立一家在醫療補助範圍內運作的公司所面臨的一些困難。我不知道或沒有預料到的是,不僅 TDN 出現了爆炸性增長,而且對導樂服務的興趣也出現了爆炸性增長。 TDN 發展迅速,目前已在 10 多家保險公司開展業務。我們與 20 多家健康保險公司簽訂了合同,包括商業保險、雇主健康計劃和醫療補助計劃。

此外,TDN 團隊現在包括來自 7 個以上州遠距工作的 18 名全職工作人員。存在許多挑戰,包括在複雜的醫療補助系統中工作,同時了解不同的州和導樂政策。然而,在強大團隊的支持下,TDN 已經建立了一個可以保持成長的基礎,並支持許多不同州的導樂組織。當我展望未來時,我對迄今為止所發生的一切充滿感激、敬畏和喜悅。我對 TDN 將繼續發展充滿希望、興奮和合理的預期。



TDN 支援團隊


Brianna Betton


Birth Doula

Brianna Betton is a passionate advocate for reproductive health and justice. During her undergraduate experience, Brianna found herself frustrated by discussing problems within maternity care without talking about solutions. She entered the maternal health space as a patient advocate at a local abortion clinic. This experience led her to become a birth doula in 2020. Through working as a hospital-based doula, Brianna saw first hand how doulas were undervalued as a member of the birthing person’s care team. Her passion for ensuring that doulas voices were both heard and respected, transformed into her role at The Doula Network. Brianna’s top priorities are increasing access to insurance reimbursement across the country, advocating for equitable reimbursement rates, and ensuring doula’s access to birth spaces.

CEO and Founder

Elizabeth Simmons


Birth Doula

Elizabeth is a passionate advocate for maternal health and the founder and CEO of The Doula Network. She has over 15 years of experience in the field of maternal health, beginning her career as a birth doula in 2007. In 2014, she opened a free-standing birth center in Boulder, Colorado, which is now an integrated facility within the community hospital system. She served as the Industry Relations Chair for the American Association of Birth Centers and has spent the last 13 years of her career dedicated to building networks and partnerships with health plans to support perinatal health. In 2019, Elizabeth launched The Doula Network to create a foundational system of doula services. The Doula Network is a national organization that provides support to doulas, health plans, and birthing people. Elizabeth is a strong believer in the power of doulas to improve maternal and child health outcomes. She is committed to making doula services accessible to all families, regardless of their income or insurance status. She is also passionate about educating the public about the benefits of doula care and a visionary leader who is working to make doula care a standard part of the birthing person’s care journey.
Expansion Pillar Lead

Expansion Pillar Lead

Abigail Batista
Data Pillar Lead

Data Pillar Lead

Ashley Self
Client Support Pillar Lead

Client Support Pillar Lead

Irma Morales
Client Support Specialist

Client Support Specialist

Jennifer Rookey
Doula Support Pillar Lead

Doula Support Pillar Lead

Sharon Lonix
Quality Pillar Lead

Quality Pillar Lead

Sheena Lemon
Doula Credentialing Specialist

Doula Credentialing Specialist

Vanessa Giorgio

© 2023 導樂網版權所有。


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